The European Union through the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness has financially supported QMC during 2019 to carry out the following activities and projects:
Development of a polymeric coating for the protection against dirt of wind turbine blades, financed through the SME R&D program (PIDI-CV) 2019 through a support of € 60,488.65.
Internationalization, financed through the program to HELP FOLLOW-UP PROGRAMS FOR THE INTERNATIONALIZATION TUTORIAL PROGRAMS OF SMEs OF THE C.V. 2019. The objective of the project has been to consolidate the international presence of the company as well as increase the diversification of the target markets.
Implementation of a digital system for control, monitoring and guidance of the production process of the company, financed through the aid program DIGITALIZA-CV - SUBSIDIES FOR DIGITALIZATION PROJECTS OF SMEs 2018 through an aid of 8,000